My Go To’s for Natural Allergy Relief

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I have suffered from seasonal allergies my entire life. As a kid, I went to an allergist and was tested for every possible allergen. When the results came back, the doctor stated, “She is allergic to Kansas.” HA! Lifelong Kansas girl here, our families have been in Kansas for generations and my husband and I have no plans to leave anytime soon. So, since I struggle with so many allergies when outside, I had to learn how to manage my symptoms. Now that we have kids, we have already found out that our oldest son will probably struggle with the same issues as I do… lucky him!

Good ol’ Kansas wheat harvest… the worst time of year for me 🤧

I used to take over the counter allergy medication daily, whether it be Claritin, Zyrtec, or Benadryl. However, I hated how it made me feel and it barely touched the symptoms. As I became more natural-minded, I have definitely found several different things that have helped manage my allergy symptoms and I have not taken OTC allergy medication in over 3 years. Below I have listed my go-to’s and explained a little about how I use each one.

I use this essential oil diffuser almost daily
  1. Essential oils – I use these topically and aromatically. I have been an essential oil user for almost  5 years now. I diffuse lavender, lemon, and peppermint or frankincense almost daily during early fall and spring when our allergies are at their worst. I also use lavender topically on our sinuses, daily, to help keep them clear. However, not all essential oils are created equal so do your research before using just any essential oils. Note: I usually avoid peppermint with little ones and when I am breastfeeding as it is a “hot” oil for their little bodies and has been found to decrease milk supply.
  2. Saline Nasal Spray – If I am outside for any extended period of time during spring, summer or fall and it is windy (which is pretty much every day here in Kansas), I have found that if I rinse my sinuses with a saline spray, my symptoms are much quicker to subside.
  3. Neti Pot – The Neti pot is very similar to a saline rinse but I feel that it definitely gets deeper into the sinuses and flushes all the allergens out when I am feeling particularly miserable. Disclaimer: read the instructions thoroughly before using.
  4. Eye Wash – My son’s allergies tend to show up the most in his eyes. They will be so red and he will be rubbing them constantly after playing outside all day. After bath time, we rinse his eyes with saline eye wash and by morning time his symptoms have almost completely subsided.
  5. Air purifier – We have this small air purifier that is so good at cleaning the air in our home. I tend to run it while working on a home project or when allergens are particularly bad in our area. After it has run for a few hours, our house smells like it does outside after a good rain. I love it!
  6. Honey – Eating honey that is harvested locally has been found to help build immunities to allergens in your area. I shop our local farmer’s market or the health food stores to find honey that is made locally and try to incorporate it into my diet daily. One of my favorite drinks when it is cooler outside is lemon and honey in hot water. I call it “my tea.” If it is too hot for that, I will add it in my smoothie or some other food or just down a spoonful of honey.
I always have a jar of fresh, local honey at home

I hope that you all find these tips helpful. If you have any other questions or other recommendations, please send me a message or comment below.

Note: This post is not sponsored and these thoughts and opinions are all my own.

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  • Azucena Jolina June 10, 2020 at 7:42 AM Reply

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    • Danielle October 19, 2020 at 2:21 PM Reply

      Thank you for the kind review!
      I am not familiar with that book so I can’t say whether it is worth it or not.

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